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  1. Yeh, Y.*, Chiang, J. L., Chang, S. L., Ting, Y. S., & Wang, C. M., Peng, Y. Y. (November, 2024). Integrating visible thinking and design thinking strategies to improve creativity and growth mindsets. Educational Technology Research and Development. or

  2. Chiang, J. L., Yeh, Y.,*, Lee, J. Y. (2024). Exploring the development of adolescents’ scientific creativity among science fair winners through the lens of resilience. Thinking Skills and Creativity. (SSCI)

  3. Hsu, W., C. & Yeh, Y.* (2024). Investigating the neural substrate variations between easy and challenging creative association tasks during product design within an fMRI scanner. IBRO Neuroscience Reports,

  4. 葉玉珠(2023,Septemer)。邁向學術研究幸福感之路:教育相關領域研究計畫撰寫與執行心得分享人文與社會科學簡訊,24(4),40-44.

  5. Yeh, Y.* & Ting, Y. S. (2023). Comparisons of creativity performance and learning effects through digital game-based creativity learning between elementary school children in rural and urban areas. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 93, 790-805. (SSCI)

  6. Ting, Y. S. & Yeh, Y.* (2023). Growth-mindset intervention effects and the relationship of mindset, hope belief, and self-efficacy during creativity game-based learning. Interactive learning environment. (SSCI)

  7. Yeh, Y.*, & Peng, Y. Y. (2023). When smartphones meet mindful learning: The cluster profiles of passion toward smartphone use, creativity mindset, and creativity self-efficacy. International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation, 17(4), 574-594. DOI: 10.1504/IJMLO.2023.10053326 (Scopus)

  8. Yeh, Y.*, Chang, J. I., & Ting, Y. S. (2023). Engaging elementary school children in mindful learning through story-based creativity games facilitates their growth mindset. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 39(3), 519-528. (SSCI) (SSCI, SCIE) (SSCI, SCIE)

  9. 丁毓珊、葉玉珠*、江瑞玲(2023)。素養導向教育改革下之中學教師壓力:量表發展與壓力改變之影響因素,教育科學研究集刊,68(1),229-262。 (TSSCI) (Scopus) (ESCI)

  10. Yeh*, Y., Ting, Y.-S., & Chiang, J.-L. (2023). Influences of growth mindset, fixed mindset, grit, and self-determination on self-efficacy in game-based creativity learning. Educational Technology & Society, 26(1), 62-78. (SSCI) 

  11. Yeh, Y.*, Wu, H-a, Huang, F. (Oct. 2022). Exploring profiles of varied types of achievement goals, emotions, and digital insight problem solving through cluster analysis. Thinking skills and Creativity, 46, Article 101170.

  12. 丁毓珊、葉玉珠* (2021)。國中學生智能心向與學習心向量表之發展,測驗學刊,68(4),317-346。(TSSCI) 

  13. 丁毓珊、葉玉珠* (2021)。國中生學習心向、學習自我效能與學習適應之關係:以自我調整學習為中介變項之路徑模式分析。教育研究與發展期刊,17(2),83-117。DOI 10.6925/SCJ.202106_17(2).0003 (TSSCI)

  14. 葉玉珠(2021)。跨界思維與跨域研究:困境教我的事。人文與社會科學簡訊,22(3),137-139。(109年科技部傑出研究獎邀稿)

  15. 丁毓珊*、葉玉珠(2021)。教師面對素養導向評量的挑戰與省思。台灣教育評論月刊,10(3),21-25。

  16. Chang, W. L., & Yeh, Y.* (2021). A Blended design of game-based learning for motivation, knowledge sharing, and critical thinking enhancement. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 30(2), 271-285. (SSCI)

  17. Yeh, Y.*, & Hsu, W. C., & Yastrubinskiy, E. (2021). Decomposing the influences of aesthetic experience processes on creativity learning through various consciousness interventions. Thinking Skills & Creativity, 39, Article 100756. (SSCI)

  18. Yeh, Y.*, Chang, C.-Y., Ting, Y.-S., & Chen, S.-Y. (2020). Effects of mindful learning using a smartphone lens in everyday life and beliefs toward mobile-based learning on creativity enhancement. Educational Technology & Society, 23(4), 45–58. (SSCI)

  19. Yeh, Y.*, Sai, N. P., & Chuang, C. H. (2020). Differentiating between the “Need” for and the “experience” of self-determination regarding their influence on pupils’ learning of creativity through story-based digital games. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 14, 1368-1378, (SSCI)

  20. Yeh, Y.*, Li, P. H., & Lin, C. W. (2020). The interactive effects of associative response priming and personality traits on insight problem solving over time. Journal of Global Education and Research, 4(1), 13-32.

  21. Yeh, Y*, Rega, E. M., & Chen, S. Y. (2019). Enhancing creativity through aesthetics-integrated computer-based training: The effectiveness of a FACE approach and exploration of moderators. Computers & Education, 139, 48-64. (SSCI)(SCIE)

  22. Yeh, Y.*, Chen, S. Y., Rega, E. M., Lin, C. S. (2019). Mindful learning experience facilitates mastery experience through heightened flow and self-efficacy in game-based creativity learning. Frontier in Psychology: Educational Psychology, 10, (SSCI)

  23. Yeh, Y*, Hsu, W. C., Rega, E. M. (2019). The dynamic relationship of brain networks across time windows during product-based creative thinking. Psychology Research, 9(10), 401-419. DOI:10.17265/2159-5542/2019.10.002 (ERIC, ProQuest, EBSCO, google scholar)

  24. Yeh, Y.,* Chang, H. L., & Chen, S. Y. (2019). Mindful learning: A mediator of mastery experience during digital creativity game-based learning among elementary school students. Computers & Education, 132, 63-75. (SSCI) (SCIE)

  25. Yeh, Y.*, Peng, Y. Y. (2019). The influences of aesthetic life experience and expertise on aesthetic judgement and emotion in mundane arts. International J of Art & Design Education, 38(2), 492-507. (SSCI).

  26. Yeh, Y.*, Lin, C. S. (2018). Achievement goals influence mastery experience via two paths in digital creativity games among elementary school students. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 34(3), 223-232. (SSCI).

  27. Yeh, Y.*, Hsu, W. C., & Li, P. H. (2018). The modulation of personal traits in neural responses during the aesthetic experience of mundane art. Trends in Neuroscience and Education, 10, 8-18. (SSCI)

  28. Yeh, Y.*, & Chu, L. H. (2018). The mediating role of self-regulation on harmonious passion, obsessive passion, and knowledge management in e-learning. Educational Technology Research and Development, 66, 615-637. (SSCI)

  29. Lai, G. J., Yeh, Y.*, Lin, C. W, Hsu, W. C., & Wu, J. (2017). The interactive influences of stress, modality of stimuli, and task difficulty on verbal versus visual working memory capacity. Learning and Individual Differences, 56, 19-127. (SSCI)

  30. Huang, L. Y. *, & Yeh, Y. (2017). Meaningful gamification for journalism students to enhance their critical thinking skills. International Journal of Game-Based Learning, 7(2), 47-62. DOI: 10.4018/IJGBL.2017040104 (IF: 0.79; Rank: 320/724) (ESCI)

  31. 謝皓薇、葉玉珠*(2016)。幼兒英語學習的家庭教育環境、父母效能與學習熱情之路徑模式(The Path Model of Preschoolers' Family Educational Environment, Parental Efficacy, and Passion in Learning English)。教育心理學報,47(3),449-472。(TSSCI, PsycINFO, SCOPUS)

  32. Huang, L. Y., & Yeh, Y.* (2016). Mediated enactive experience versus perceived mastery experience: An enhancing mechanism versus a mediator of character attachment and internal political efficacy in serious games. Computers in Human Behavior, 55, 1085-1096. (SSCI)

  33. Yeh, Y.*, Lai, S. C., & Lin, C. W. (2016). The dynamic influence of emotions on game-based creativity: An integrated analysis of emotional valence, activation strength, and regulation focus. Computers in Human Behavior, 55, 817-825.

  34. 葉玉珠*、李若瑜、賴思齊(2015)。「設計產品美感生活體驗量表」之發展(The Development of “Inventory for College Students’ Everyday Aesthetic Experience in Designed Products”)。設計研究學報,8,64-80.

  35. Yeh, Y.*, Lin, C. W., Hsu, W. C., Kuo. W. J., & Chan, Y. C. (2015). Associated and dissociated neural substrates of aesthetic judgment and aesthetic emotion during the appreciation of everyday designed products. Neuropsychologia, 73, 151-160. (SSCI)

  36. Yeh, Y.*, Lai*, G. J., Lin, C. F., Lin, C. W., & Sun, H. C. (2015). How stress influences creativity in game-based situations: Analysis of stress hormone, negative emotions, and working memory. Computers & Education, 81, 143-153. (SSCI)

  37. Yeh, Y.*, & Lin, C. F. (2015). Aptitude-treatment interactions during creativity training in e-learning: How meaning-making, self-regulation, and knowledge management influence creativity. Educational Technology & Society, 18, 119–131. (SSCI)

  38. Lin, C. F., Yeh, Y. C.*, Hung, Y. H., & Chang, R. I. (2014). An evaluation agent system for enhancing wikipedia management. International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT), 10(2), 85-91. DOI: 10.14445/22312803/IJCTT-V10P115

  39. Yeh, Y.*, Tsai, J. L., Hsu, W. C., Lin, C. F. (2014). A model of how working memory capacity influences insight problem solving in situations with multiple visual representations: An eye tracking analysis. Thinking Skills & Creativity, 13, 153-167. (SSCI)

  40. Lin, C. C.*, & Yeh, Y. (2014). How gratitude influences well-being: A structural equation modeling approach. Social Indicators Research, 118, 205-217. DOI: 10.1007/s11205-013-0424-6 (SSCI)  

  41. 葉玉珠*、葉怡伶、林俊甫(2013)。數位學習正向個人特質之量表發展:知識管理、自我調整學習與意義建構。數位學習科技期刊,5(3),59-90。(TSSCI)

  42. Lin, C. F., Yeh,* Y, C., Hung, Y. H., Chang, R. I. (2013). Data mining for providing a personalized learning path in creativity: An application of decision trees. Computers & Education, 66, 199-210. (SSCI) (SCIE)

  43. Chan, Y. C., Chou, T. L., Chen, H. S.*, Yeh, Y. C., Lavallee, J. P., Liang, K. C., & Chang, K. E. (2013). Towards a neural circuit model of verbal humor processing: An fMRI study of the neural substrates of incongruity detection and resolution. NeuroImage, 66, 169-176. (SCIE)

  44. Yeh, Y. C.* (2012). A co-creation blended KM model for cultivating critical-thinking skills. Computers & Education, 59(4), 1317–1327. (SCIE)

  45. Yeh, Y. C.*, Yeh, Y. L., Chen, Y. H. (2012). From knowledge sharing to knowledge creation: A blended knowledge-management model for improving university students' creativity. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 7(3), 245-247. (SSCI)

  46. 彭月茵*、葉玉珠(2011)。研究生希望感量表之發展。測驗學刊,58(4),639-664。(TSSCI)

  47. 葉玉環、葉玉珠*、王珮玲(2011)。發現創作性戲劇教學的魅力:幼兒自我概念及創造力的觀點。幼兒教育,303,20-37。

  48. 林志哲*、葉玉珠(2011)。大學生感恩量表之發展,測驗學刊,專刊,147-178. (TSSCI)

  49. Yeh, Y. C.*, Huang, L. Y., Yeh, Y. L. (2011). Knowledge management in blended learning: Effects on professional development in creativity instruction. Computers & Education, 56(1), 146-156. (SCIE)

  50. Yeh, Y. C.* (2010). Integrating collaborative PBL with blended learning to explore preservice teachers' development of online learning communities. Teaching and Teacher Education, 26, 1630-1640. (SSCI)

  51. Yeh, Y. C.* (2010). Analyzing online behaviors, roles, and learning communities via online discussions. Educational Technology & Society, 13(1), 140-151. (SSCI)

  52. 葉玉珠*、彭月茵、葉玉環(2009)。「幼兒多元智慧量表」之發展。幼兒教育,296,2-21。

  53. 詹雨臻、葉玉珠*、彭月茵、葉碧玲(2009)。「青少年復原力量表」之發展,測驗學刊,56(4),491-518。(TSSCI)

  54. Yeh, Y. C.* (2009). Integrating e-learning into the Direct-instruction Model to enhance the effectiveness of critical-thinking instruction. Instructional Science, 37, 185–203. (SSCI)

  55. Hsu, C. M.*, Yeh, Y. C., Yen, J. (2009). Development of design criteria and evaluation scale for web-based learning platforms. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 39, 90-95. (SSCI)

  56. Yeh, Y. C.*, & Li, M. L. (2008). Age, Emotion Regulation Strategies, Temperament, Creative Drama, and Preschoolers’ Creativity. Journal of Creative Behavior, 42(2), 131-148. (SSCI)

  57. 黃惠君、葉玉珠*(2008)。國中教師教學玩興、教學動機、教學快樂感受與創意教學之關係。教育與心理研究,31(2),85-118。(TSSCI)

  58. 葉玉珠*、彭月茵、林志哲、蔡維欣、鍾素香(2008)。「情境式科學創造力測驗」之發展暨科學創造力之性別與年級差異分析。測驗學刊,55(1),33-60。(TSSCI)

  59. 葉玉珠*(2007)。數位學習融入大學生批判思考教學之策略。教育資料與研究,78,91-112。

  60. Yeh, Y. C.* (2007). Aptitude-treatment interactions in preservice teachers’ behavior change during computer-simulated teaching. Computers & Education, 48(3), 495-507. (SCIE)

  61. 葉玉珠*、葉玉環、李梅齡、彭月茵(2006)。以創作性戲劇教學啟發幼兒創造力之行動研究。師大學報,51,1-27。(TSSCI)

  62. 葉玉珠*、李梅齡、林志哲、葉玉環、彭月茵(2006)。「幼兒創造力測驗」之發展。測驗學刊,53(1),129-154。(TSSCI)

  63. 鄭芳怡、葉玉珠*(2006)。兒童解釋形態、領域知識及創意生活經驗與科技創造力之關係。教育與心理研究,29(2),339-368。(TSSCI)

  64. Yeh, Y. C.* (2006). The interactive effects of personal traits and guided practices on preservice teachers’ changes in personal teaching efficacy. British Journal of Educational Technology, 37(4), 513-526. (SSCI)

  65. Yeh, Y. C.*, Wu, J. J. (2006). The cognitive processes of pupils’ technological creativity. Creativity Research Journal, 18(2), 213-227. DOI: 10.1207/s15326934crj1802_7 (SSCI)

  66. 葉玉珠*(2005)。影響國小學童科技創意發展的因素之量表發展。師大學報,50(2),29-54。

  67. 詹雨臻、葉玉珠*(2005)。「生活問題解決測驗」之發展。測驗學刊,52(1),1-30。(TSSCI)

  68. 葉玉珠*(2005)。創意發展:生育乎?養育乎?教育研究月刊,133,63-74。

  69. 鄭芳怡、葉玉珠*(2004)。解釋形態與科技創造力。初等教育學刊,17,123-152。

  70. 葉玉珠*(2004)。「科技創造力測驗」的發展與常模之建立。測驗學刊,51(2),127-162。(TSSCI)

  71. Yeh, Y. C.* (2004). Seventh graders’ academic achievement, creativity, and their ability to construct a cross-domain concept map—a brain function perspective. Journal of Creative Behavior, 38(2), 125-144. (SSCI)

  72. Yeh, Y. C.* (2004). The interactive influences of three ecological systems on R & D personnel’s technological creativity. Creativity Research Journal, 16(1), 11-25. (SSCI)

  73. Yeh, Y. C.* (2004). Nurturing reflective teaching during critical-thinking instruction in a computer simulation program. Computers & Education, 42(2), 181-194. (SSCI).

  74. 吳怡瑄、葉玉珠*(2003)。主題統整教學、年級、父母社經地位與國小學童科技創造力之關係。師大學報,48(2),239-260。(TSSCI)

  75. 葉玉珠*(2003)。批判思考的涵意與有效教師行為。清華大學通識教育季刊,9(3),151-170。

  76. 朱苑瑜、葉玉珠*(2003)。實習教師信念改變的影響因素之探討。師大學報,48(1),41-66。(TSSCI)

  77. 葉玉珠*、吳靜吉(2002)。「創意發展組織因素量表」之編製。應用心理學研究,15,225-247。

  78. 葉玉珠*(2002)。高層次思考教學設計的要素分析。中山通識教育學報,創刊號,75-101。

  79. 葉玉珠*(2002)。科技企業研發人員的創意組織環境—從企業類型、性別及創造經驗分析。國立政治大學學報,84,299-332。(TSSCI觀察)

  80. 葉玉珠*、陳月梅、葉碧玲、謝佳蓁(2001)。「成人批判思考技巧測驗」之發展。測驗年刊,48(2),35-50。(TSSCI)

  81. 葉玉珠*、吳靜吉、鄭英耀(2001)。性別、產業型態及創造經驗與創意相關的個人特質、家庭及學校因素之關係。國立政治大學學報,82,125-160。(TSSCI觀察)

  82. 葉碧玲、葉玉珠*(2001)。國中生性別、年級、父母教育程度、批判思考與情緒智力之關係。教育心理學報,32(2),45-70。(TSSCI)

  83. 葉玉珠*、吳靜吉、鄭英耀(2000)。影響科技與資訊產業人員創意發展的因素之量表發展。師大學報,45(2),39-63。

  84. 葉玉珠*、陳月梅、謝佳蓁、葉碧玲(2000)。「中小學批判思考技巧測驗」之發展。測驗年刊,47(1),27-46。(TSSCI)

  85. 鄭英耀*、王文中、楊淑晴、葉玉珠(2000)。國立中山大學管理學院教學績效評量制度之研究。國立中山大學社會科學季刊,2(2),1-37。

  86. 葉玉珠*(2000)。「創造力發展的生態系統模式」及其應用於科技與資訊領域之內涵分析。教育心理學報,32(1),95-122。(TSSCI)

  87. 鄭英耀*、葉玉珠(2000)。批判思考教學效果之研究。國立中山大學社會科學季刊,2(1),126-145。

  88. 葉玉珠*(2000)。智能與批判思考。國立中山大學社會科學季刊,2(1),1-28。

  89. 葉玉珠*(1999)。電腦模擬應用於師資培訓之價值探討。國立中山大學共同科學報創刊號,167-179。

  90. 葉玉珠*(1999)。代理(課)教師批判思考教學專業知識、個人教學效能及教學行為之現況及關係之研究。國立政治大學學報,78,55-84。(TSSCI觀察)

  91. 葉玉珠*(1998)。「批判思考教學師資培訓」模式之探討。教育與心理研究,21,307-332。(TSSCI)

  92. 葉玉珠*(1998)。職前教師的參訓投入程度、批判思考意向與改善批判思考教學之關係。國立政治大學學報,77,47-71。(TSSCI觀察)

  93. 葉玉珠*(1998)。從美國電腦教學的演變看台灣電腦教學的未來發展。教學輔導,4,40-46。

  94. 葉玉珠*(1998)。有效批判思考教學的基礎之探討。教育研究,59,57-67。

  95. 葉玉珠*(1997)。電腦模擬應用於批判思考教學訓練之成效。國立政治大學學報,75,99-118。(TSSCI觀察)

  96. 葉玉珠*、吳靜吉(1992)。中小學生批判思考與學業成績之相關研究。教育與心理研究,15,79-100。(TSSCI)

  97. 葉玉珠*、吳靜吉(1992)。性別、年級、城鄉別、場地獨立及動機與批判思考之相關研究。國立政治大學學報,65,35-62。(TSSCI觀察)

  98. 吳靜吉、葉玉珠*(1992)。「康乃爾批判思考測驗甲式」之修訂。測驗年刊,39,79-103。(TSSCI)



  1. 葉玉珠(2009)。「情境式創造力測驗」指導手冊。台北:心理出版社。(NSC94-2511-S-004-001-)

  2. 葉玉珠(2006)。創造力教學—過去、現在與未來。台北:心理出版社。(2007獲選為政大教師百本專書)

  3. 葉玉珠、詹雨臻(2005)。生活問題解決測驗與指導手冊。台北:心理出版社。

  4. 葉玉珠(2005)。科技創造力測驗與指導手冊。台北:心理出版社。(NSC 91-2522-S-110-004)

  5. 葉玉珠(2003)。批判思考測驗第一級與指導手冊。台北:心理出版社。

  6. Yeh, Y. C. (1997). Teacher training for critical-thinking instruction via a computer simulation.  Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Virginia, VA.


C. 專書篇章

  1. Yeh, Y. (2017). Research development of creativity. In Stein, J. (Ed.), Reference Module in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Psychology, 2017, 1-11. Elsevier. ISBN 9780128093245 (主編邀請)

  2. Yeh, Y. C. (2015). Integrating knowledge management into the instruction of creativity in a blended learning environment. In R. Wegerif, L. Li, & J. C. Kaufman (Ed.), The Routledge International Handbook of Research on Teaching Thinking (pp. 191-200). New York: Routledge. (主編邀請)( NSC 100-2511-S-004-002-MY3)

  3. Yeh, Y. C. (2012). Aptitude-treatment interaction. In N. M. Seel (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning (Part 1, pp. 295-298). DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-1428-6. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer. (Springer主編邀請)(NSC 96-2511-S-004-001-MY2)

  4. Yeh, Y. C. (2011). A four-component instructional model for teacher training in critical-thinking instruction: Its effectiveness and influential factors. In C. P. Horvath and J. M. Forte (Ed.), Critical thinking (pp. 141-158). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.(出版商主編邀請)(NSC94-2520-S-004-001-)

  5. Yeh, Y.-C. (2011). Research and methods. In Runco M. A. and Pritzker S. R. (Eds.) Encyclopedia of creativity (2nd ed.) (vol. 2, pp. 291-298). San Diego, CA: Academic Press.(Elsevier主編邀請)(NSC 96-2511-S-004-001-MY2).

  6. 葉玉珠(2010)。智能與批判思考。於葉玉珠、高源令、修慧蘭、曾慧敏、王佩玲、陳惠萍著,教育心理學(2nd ed.)(pp. 357-394)。台北:心理出版社。

  7. 葉玉珠(2010)。動機與學習。於葉玉珠、高源令、修慧蘭、曾慧敏、王佩玲、陳惠萍著,教育心理學(2nd ed.)(pp. 295-342)。台北:心理出版社。

  8. 葉玉珠(2010)。優質教學、專家教師與教育心理學。於葉玉珠、高源令、修慧蘭、曾慧敏、王佩玲、陳惠萍著,教育心理學(2nd ed.)(pp. 1-28)。台北:心理出版社。

  9. Yeh, Y. C. (2008). Integrating collaborative PBL with blended learning to improve preservice teachers’ critical-thinking skills. In A.R. Lipshitz and S. P. Parsons (Eds.), E-learning: 21st century issues and challenges (pp. 155-175). Nova Science Publishers, Inc. (出版商主編邀請)(NSC94-2520-S-004-001-)

  10. Yeh, Y. C. (2008). When collaborative PBL meets e-learning: How does it improve the professional development of critical-thinking instruction? In T. B. Scott and J. I. Livingston (Eds.), Leading-edge educational technology (pp. 133-158). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.(出版商主編邀請)(NSC94-2520-S-004-001-)

  11. 葉玉珠(2003)。智能與批判思考。於葉玉珠、高源令、修慧蘭、曾慧敏、王佩玲、陳惠萍著,教育心理學(pp. 345-388)。台北:心理出版社。

  12. 葉玉珠(2003)。動機與學習。於葉玉珠、高源令、修慧蘭、曾慧敏、王佩玲、陳惠萍著,教育心理學(pp. 309-344)。台北:心理出版社。

  13. 葉玉珠(2003)。概論:優質教學、專家教師與教育心理學。於葉玉珠、高源令、修慧蘭、曾慧敏、王佩玲、陳惠萍著,教育心理學(pp. 1-2)。台北:心理出版社。


D. 技術報告及其他

  1. 葉玉珠(2024,7月)。思考視覺化、正念化與意義化:高層次思考的課程發展與教學實踐(3/3)。國科會專案成果報告(MOST 110-2511-H-004-004-MY3)

  2. 葉玉珠(2023,5月)。思考視覺化、正念化與意義化:高層次思考的課程發展與教學實踐。科技部專案(MOST 110-2511-H-004-004-MY3)(2/3)

  3. 葉玉珠(2022,7月)。思考視覺化、正念化與意義化:高層次思考的課程發展與教學實踐。科技部專案(MOST 110-2511-H-004-004-MY3)(1/3)

  4. 葉玉珠(2022,7月)。思考視覺化、正念化與意義化:高層次思考的課程發展與教學實踐(延攬博後)。科技部專案(MOST 110-2811-H-004-515-)

  5. 葉玉珠、傅如馨(2021,7月)。中學導師面臨108課綱壓力之探討暨復原力增能課程之開發與社會實踐。科技部專案(MOST 109-2410-H-004-007-SSS)

  6. 葉玉珠(2021,7月)。中學導師面臨108課綱壓力之探討暨復原力增能課程之開發與社會實踐(延攬博後)。科技部專案(MOST 109-2811-H-004-533-)

  7. 葉玉珠(2020,10月)。數位科技導向的正念學習介入對提升創造力之效果:神經可塑性之探究(2/2)。科技部專案(MOST 107-2511-H-004 -002 -MY2)

  8. 葉玉珠(2020,8月)。融入成長心向的數位創造力遊戲導向學習對提升城鄉地區學童創造力心向與創造力的效果(2/2)。科技部專案(MOST 107-2410-H-004-079-SS2)

  9. 葉玉珠(2020,7月)融入成長心向的數位創造力遊戲導向學習對提升城鄉地區學童創造力心向與創造力的效果(延攬博後)。科技部專案(MOST 109-2811-H-004-510-)

  10. 葉玉珠(2019,5月)。數位科技導向的正念學習介入對提升創造力之效果:神經可塑性之探究(1/2)。科技部專案(MOST 107-2511-H-004 -002 -MY2)

  11. 葉玉珠(2019,5月)。融入成長心向的數位創造力遊戲導向學習對提升城鄉地區學童創造力心向與創造力的效果(1/2)。科技部專案(MOST 107-2410-H-004-079-SS2)

  12. 葉玉珠(2018,7月)。自主決定之創造力遊戲導向學習:學習系統發展與認知歷程探討(3/3)。科技部專案(MOST 104-2511-S-004 -002 -MY3)

  13. 葉玉珠(2017,5月)。自主決定之創造力遊戲導向學習:學習系統發展與認知歷程探討(2/3)。科技部專案(MOST 104-2511-S-004 -002 -MY3)

  14. 葉玉珠、詹雨蓁(2017,7月)。藉由設計產品的美感體驗促進創造力:fMRI應於學習系統開發(3/3)。科技部專案(MOST 103-2511-S-004 -002 -MY3)

  15. 葉玉珠(2016,5月)。自主決定之創造力遊戲導向學習:學習系統發展與認知歷程探討(1/3)。科技部專案(MOST 104-2511-S-004 -002 -MY3)

  16. 葉玉珠、詹雨蓁(2016,5月)。藉由設計產品的美感體驗促進創造力:fMRI應於學習系統開發(2/3)。科技部專案(MOST 103-2511-S-004 -002 -MY3)

  17. 葉玉珠、詹雨蓁(2015,5月)。藉由設計產品的美感體驗促進創造力:fMRI應於學習系統開發(1/3)。科技部專案(MOST 103-2511-S-004 -002 -MY3)

  18. 張卿卿、郭文瑞、蔡尚岳、黃淑麗、葉玉珠、別蓮蒂、李蔡彥、廖文宏(2014年6月)。美感體驗歷程與大腦心智反應--總計畫含子計畫(2/2)。科技部專案(NSC 101-2420-H-004-013-MY2)

  19. 葉玉珠、賴桂珍(2014,7月)。創造力認知歷程之解構與重構:以數位遊戲為媒介(3/3)。科技部專案(NSC 100-2511-S-004 -002 -MY3)

  20. 葉玉珠、郭文瑞、彭月茵(2014,3月)。美感體驗歷程與大腦心智反應-設計產品的美感體驗與創造力:認知歷程及神經機制之探討(2/2)。科技部專案(NSC 101-2420-H-004 -014 -MY2)

  21. 葉玉珠、賴桂珍(2013,5月)。創造力認知歷程之解構與重構:以數位遊戲為媒介(2/3)。 國科會專案(NSC 100-2511-S-004 -002 -MY3)

  22. 張卿卿、郭文瑞、蔡尚岳、黃淑麗、葉玉珠、別蓮蒂、李蔡彥、廖文宏(2012年12月)。美感體驗歷程與大腦心智反應--總計畫含子計畫(1/2)。國科會專案(NSC 101-2420-H-004-013-MY2)

  23. 葉玉珠、郭文瑞、彭月茵(2012,12月)。美感體驗歷程與大腦心智反應-設計產品的美感體驗與創造力:認知歷程及神經機制之探討(1/2)。國科會專案(NSC 101-2420-H-004 -014 -MY2)

  24. 葉玉珠、賴桂珍(2012,5月)。創造力認知歷程之解構與重構:以數位遊戲為媒介(1/3)。 國科會專案(NSC 100-2511-S-004 -002 -MY3)

  25. 葉玉珠(2011,7月)。數位學習融入創造力教學:教學效果及因果模式之探討(2/2)。國科會專案(NSC 98-2511-S-004 -001 -MY2) 。(執行期限:2010/08-2011/07)

  26. 葉玉珠(2010,5月)。數位學習融入創造力教學:教學效果及因果模式之探討(1/2)。國科會專案(NSC 98-2511-S-004 -001 -MY2) 。(執行期限:2009/08-2010/07)

  27. 葉玉珠(2009,7月)。影響國中生科學創造力的個人特質及其學習歷程(2/2)。國科會專案(NSC 96-2511-S-004-001-MY2)。(執行期限:2008/08-2009/07)

  28. 葉玉珠(2008,5月)。影響國中生科學創造力的個人特質及其學習歷程(1/2)。國科會專案(NSC 96-2511-S-004-001-MY2)。(執行期限:2007/08-2008/07)

  29. 葉玉珠(2006,7月)。「情境式科技創造力測驗」常模之建立。國科會專案(NSC94-2511-S-004-001-)。(執行期限:2005/08-2006/07)

  30. 葉玉珠(2006,7月)。網路學習融入師資培育課程對提升職前教師批判思考教學能力之探討(2/2)。國科會專案(NSC94-2520-S-004-001-)。(執行期限:2005/08-2006/07)

  31. 葉玉珠(2005,12月)。泥娃娃秘密基地的開發:以「創作性戲劇」提升人際智能與情緒調節能力。教育部專案。(執行期限:2005/01-2005/12)

  32. 葉玉珠(2005,7月)。網路學習融入師資培育課程對提升職前教師批判思考教學能力之探討(1/2)。國科會專案(NSC93-2520-S-004-002-)。(執行期限:2004/08-2005/07)

  33. 葉玉珠(2005,7月)。創作性戲劇教學對幼兒創造力及多元智慧發展之影響。國科會專案(NSC93-2413-H-004-015-)。(執行期限:2004/08-2005/07)

  34. 葉玉珠(2004,12月)。小毛蟲的天空:「創作性戲劇教學對啟發幼兒創造力之行動研究」。教育部專案。教育部專案。(執行期限:2004/01-2004/12)

  35. 秦夢群、陳木金、葉玉珠(2004,8月)。高級中等以下學校及幼稚園新進及在職教師研習課程規劃。教育部專案。(執行期限:2004/07-2004/08)

  36. 葉玉珠(2004,7月)。創造力實踐歷程之研究-國小學童科技創造的認知歷程及其影響因素之訪談分析—以「自然與生活科技」領域為例(III)。國科會專案(NSC92-2511-S-004-002)。(執行期限:2003/08-2004/07)

  37. 蔡清華、鄭英耀、楊淑情、葉玉珠(2003,7月)。創意學習空間建置計畫。教育部專案。(執行期限:2002/08-2003/07)

  38. 葉玉珠(2003,7月)。國小中高年級學童科技創造力發展與其主要影響生態系統之動態關係。國科會專案(NSC 91-2522-S-110-004)。(執行期限:2002/08-2003/07)

  39. 葉玉珠(2002,7月)。國小中高年級學童科技創造力發展與其主要影響生態系統之動態關係。國科會專案(NSC 90-2511-S-110-006)。(執行期限:2001/08-2002/07)

  40. 葉玉珠(2002,7月)。「一般性批判思考技巧教學的電腦模擬課程」之發展與應用。國科會專案(NSC90-2520-S-110-001)。(執行期限:2001/08-2002/07)

  41. 葉玉珠(2001,7月)。「一般性批判思考技巧教學的電腦模擬課程」之發展與應用。國科會專案(NSC89-2511-S-110-003-)。(執行期限:2000/08-2001/07)

  42. 葉玉珠(2001,9月)。影響個人創意發展的相關因素。收錄於吳思華與吳靜吉編著之「創造力與創意設計教育」師資培育計劃教材編撰規劃:創意團隊(第三章)。教育部專案。(執行期限:2001/03-2001/09)

  43. 葉玉珠、吳靜吉、鄭英耀(2000,7月)。科技資訊產業人員創意思考及其相關因素之研究。國科會專案(NSC89-2519-S-110-001)。(執行期限:1999/08-2000/07)

  44. 鄭英耀、葉玉珠(1999,6月)。提升大學生批判思考之教學研究。教育部專案。(執行期限:1998/09-1999/06)

  45. 葉玉珠、吳靜吉、鄭英耀(1999,7月)。科技資訊產業人員創意思考及其相關因素之研究。國科會專案(NSC88-2519-S-110-001-C)。(執行期限:1998/08-1999/07)

  46. 鄭英耀、王文中、楊淑晴、葉玉珠(1999,7月)。國立中山大學管理學院教學績效評量制度之研究報告。國立中山大學管理學院專案。(執行期限:1999/01-1999/07)

  47. 吳靜吉、陳甫彥、葉玉珠(1998,12月)。新編創造力測驗。教育部專案。(執行期限:1998/01-1998/12)



  1. Ting*, Y. S., & Yeh, Y. (2024). The impact of self-compassion on various types of stress among generation Z college students. Paper presented at the 3rd Global Multidisciplinary Conference on Social Sciences, Education and Technology 2024 (GMCSET2024), May 25, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

  2. Yeh, Y. *, Yu, X., Ting, Y. S., & Rathinasabapathi, A. (2024). The influence of coregulation during teacher training in SDGs instruction. Paper presented at International Conference on Multilingual Education, Learning and Teaching (ICMELT-24), July 16-17, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

  3. Hsu, W. C., Yeh*, Y., & Chang, C. Y. (2024). Priming effects on insight problem solving: an fmri study. Paper presented at the 3rd Paris Conference on Education, June 13-17, Paris, France.

  4. Chang, C. Y., Yeh*, Y., & Hsu, W. C. (2024). Mindful learning facilitates brain function of the right inferior temporal gyrus. Paper presented at the 3rd Paris Conference on Education, June 13-17, Paris, France.

  5. Wu, C. L, Chua, M. W., Yeh, Y.*, Ma, C. H. (2024). Employing future thinking intervention to enhance SDGs problem solving. Paper presented at the 3rd Paris Conference on Education, June 13-17, Paris, France.

  6. Ma, C. H., Yeh*, Y., Yu, X., & Chua, M. W. (2024). Creativity dispositions mediate the influence of mindful learning on self-efficacy of creative problem-solving during SDGs practices. Paper presented at the 3rd Paris Conference on Education, June 13-17, Paris, France.

  7. Wang, C., M., Yeh*, Y. Ting, Y. S., & Lin, W. C. (2024). Self-efficacy mediates the influence of creative problem-solving ability on SDGs problem-solving performance. Paper presented at the 12th European Conference on Education, July 11-15, London, UK.

  8. Ting*, Y. S., & Yeh, Y. (2024). Exploring Self-Compassion Practices among Taiwanese College Students. Paper presented at the 12th European Conference on Education, July 11-15, London, UK.

  9. Tzou, W. S., Yeh, Y.*, & Ting, Y. S. (2023, July). Enhancing college students’ growth mindset in Python Programming. Paper presented at the International conference on Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences, July 7- 8, Seoul, Korea.

  10. Yeh, Y.*, Wang, C. M., Ting, Y. S., Chang, S. L., Chang, H. L., & Wu, C. L., (2023, July). The influence of mindful-learning on SDGs problem solving. Paper presented at the International Conference on Higher Education Learning, July 6, Seoul, Korea.

  11. Chang, S. L., Yeh, Y.*, Wang, C. M., Chiang, J. L., Wu, C. L. (2023, July). Mindful learning moderates changes in critical-thinking mindsets during critical-thinking learning. Paper will be presented at the 11th European Conference on Education, July 13-17, London, UK.

  12. Chiang, J. L., Yeh, Y.*, Chang, S. L., Ting, Y. S., Wang, C. M. (2023, July). The relationship between mindful learning and professional development of critical-thinking instruction among preservice teachers. Paper will be presented at the 11th European Conference on Education, July 13-17, London, UK.

  13. Wu, C. L., Yeh, Y.*, Ting, Y. S., & Wang, C. M. (2023, July). Moderations of growth mindsets on the enhancement of critical-thinking dispositions. Paper will be presented at the 11th European Conference on Education, July 13-17, London, UK.

  14. Wang, C. M., Yeh, Y.*, Ting, Y. S., & Chang, S. L. (2023, July). Enhancing the ability of creative problem-solving through an intervention of mindful learning. Paper will be presented at the 11th European Conference on Education, July 13-17, London, UK.

  15. Yeh, Y.*, Ting, Y. S., Chiang, J. L., Chang, S. L., & Wang, C. M. (2023, June). Using creativity dispositions and growth mindsets to predict self-efficacy of creativity. Paper will be presented at the 2nd Paris Conference on Education, June 16-19, Paris, France.

  16. Ting, Y. S., Yeh, Y.*, Chiang, J. L., & Chang, S. L. (2023, June). Influences of self-construal on the enhancement of critical-thinking ability during blended learning. Paper will be presented at the 2nd Paris Conference on Education, June 16-19, Paris, France.

  17. Yeh, Y.,*, Peng, Y. Y., Chang, S. L., & Ting, Y. S., & Chiang, J. L. (2022, Oct.). Integrating making thinking visible strategies to improve creativity through blended learning. Paper presented at the SITE Interactive 2022 Online Conference, October 5-6, US.

  18. Chiang, J-L., Yeh, Y. (2022, July). Self-efficacy in creative thinking development: An investigation from an online asynchronous training. Paper presented at the European Conference on Education, July 14-17, London, UK.

  19. Yeh, Y., Chiang, J-L., Ting, Y. S., & Wang, C. M. (2022, July). Making creative thinking visible: An approach to enhance preservice teachers’ professional knowledge in creativity instruction. Paper presented at the European Conference on Education, July 14-17, London, UK.

  20. Chiang, J-L., Yeh, Y., & Ting, Y. S. (2022, June). Promoting college students’ creativity through a non-academic online asynchronous self-paced program. Paper presented at EdMedia + Innovate Learning, June 20-23, New York, USA.

  21. Lee, J., Wang, Z. W, & Yeh, Y.* (2021, November). An analysis of secondary school teachers’ resilience difficulties. Paper presented at The Asian Conference on Education (ACE2021), November 25-28, Toshi Center Hotel, Tokyo, Japan.

  22. Ting, Y. S., & Yeh, Y*. (2021, November). The relationship of teacher well-being, resilience, and mindfulness: Using mindfulness as a mediator. Paper presented at The Asian Conference on Education (ACE2021), November 25-28, Toshi Center Hotel, Tokyo, Japan.

  23. 丁毓珊、葉玉珠*、江瑞鈴、李佩蓉、陳禹齊、傅如馨(2021, October)。中學教師壓力量表發展暨個人背景變項對新課綱實施前後壓力變化。發表於台灣心理學會年會: 癮的研究、研究的癮,2021年10月16日至17日,線上會議。

  24. 江瑞鈴、丁毓珊、葉玉珠(2021, October)。中學教師教學正念與幸福感、復原力量表發展暨現況分析。發表於台灣心理學會年會:癮的研究、研究的癮,2021年10月16日至17日,線上會議。

  25. 王志文、丁毓珊、葉玉珠(2021, October)。中學教師面臨108課綱教育改革之壓力來源分析。發表於台灣心理學會年會:癮的研究、研究的癮,2021年10月16日至17日,線上會議。

  26. Chiang, J-L., & Yeh, Y. (2021, July). Preservice teachers’ resilience, Stress, and Technology Efficacy Under the COVID-19 Influences: A Case Study in Taiwan. Paper presented at the European Conference on Education, July 15-18, London, UK.

  27. Chiang, J-L., Reeves, T., & Yeh, Y. (2021, July). An investigation of pre-service teachers’ technology acceptance and use intention between the U.S. and Taiwan. Paper presented at the European Conference on Education, July 15-18, London, UK.

  28. Chien, L. J., & Yeh, Y.*, Sun, H. C., & Ting, Y. S. (2021, March). Cultural differences in creativity mindset, passion towards smartphone use, and well-being. Paper presented at The Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Science (ACP2021), March 29-31, 2021. Toshi Center Hotel, Tokyo, Japan.

  29. Yeh, Y.*, Peng, Y. Y., & Chiang, J. L. (2021, March). The effects of smartphone-based interventions on changes of creativity mindset, passion toward smartphones, and Self-efficacy of creativity. Paper presented at The Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Science (ACP2021), March 29-31, 2021. Toshi Center Hotel, Tokyo, Japan.

  30. Ting, Y. S.*, & Yeh, Y. (2020, Oct). Developing the inventory of intelligence mindset and learning mindset for junior high school students. Paper presented at 2020 Innovative Teaching and Assessment Conference, October 30, 2020, Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology (STUST), Tainan

  31. 丁毓珊*、葉玉珠(2020, Oct)。國中生成長心向課程之學習效果。發表於台灣心理學會年會: 新冠肺炎與心理健康,2020年10月17日至18日,中央研究院民族學研究所,台北。

  32. 丁毓珊*、葉玉珠(2020, Oct)。國中生心向與學習適應之關係:以自我調整學習維中介變項。發表於台灣心理學會年會: 新冠肺炎與心理健康,2020年10月17日至18日,中央研究院民族學研究所,台北。

  33. Sai, N. P.*, & Yeh, Y. (2020, Oct.). The Influence of Emotion on College Student Resilience in Taiwan. Paper presented at The Asian Conference on Education (ACE2020), October 30, 2020 to November 2, 2020, Toshi Center Hotel, Tokyo, Japan.

  34. Sai, N. P.*, & Yeh, Y. (2020, Oct.). Comparing the Effect of Emotions on Hope Between Vietnamese and Taiwanese College Students. Paper presented at The Asian Conference on Education (ACE2020), October 30, 2020 to November 2, 2020, Toshi Center Hotel, Tokyo, Japan.

  35. Yeh, Y.*, Ting, Y. S., Chang, H. L., Lin, Y. J. (2020, Oct-Nov). Improvement of elementary school students’ creativity mindset through game-based learning. Paper presented at The Asian Conference on Education (ACE2020), October 30, 2020 to November 2, 2020, Toshi Center Hotel, Tokyo, Japan.

  36. Yeh, Y.*, Chang, C. Y., Ting, Y. S., & Hsu, W.C. (2020, Oct). The effect of smartphone-based mindfulness intervention on passion in smartphone use and creativity mindset. Paper presented at SITE Interactive Online 2020 Conference, October 26-28, 2020. (MOST 107-2410-H-004 -079 -SS2)

  37. Ting, Y. S., Yeh, Y.*, & Chang, J. Y. (2020, Oct.). The mediation effect of hope belief on mindful learning in game-based creativity learning. Paper presented at SITE Interactive Online 2020 Conference, October 26-28, 2020. (MOST 107-2410-H-004 -079 -SS2)

  38. Chang, C. Y., Yeh, Y.*, Chang, J. Y., & Ting, Y. S. (2020, Oct). The neural plasticity of creativity learning: An intervention of mindful learning. Paper presented at Society for NeuroEconomics Virtual 18th Annual Meeting, October 7 – 9, 2020. (MOST 107-2511-H-004 -002 -MY2)

  39. Yeh, Y.*, Chang, C. Y., Hsu, W. C., & Chang, J. Y. (2020, July). Can the intervention of SCAMPER bring about changes of neural activation while taking creativity tasks? Paper presented at the European Conference on Education (ECE2020) online, July 16-19, 2020. London, UK. (MOST 107-2511-H-004 -002 -MY2)

  40. Yeh, Y.*, Hsu, W. C., & Yastrubinskiy, E. (2020, June). Enhancing creativity through computer-based mindfulness interventions of aesthetic experience. Paper presented at the EdMedia + Innovate Learning 2020 Online, June 23-26, 2020. (MOST 107-2511-H-004 -002 -MY2 & MOST 107-2410-H-004 -079 -SS2)

  41. Yeh, Y.* & Ting, Y. S. (2020, June). The influences of creativity mindset on self-efficacy in game-based creativity learning. Paper presented at the EdMedia + Innovate Learning 2020 Online, June 23-26, 2020. (MOST 107-2511-H-004 -002 -MY2 & MOST 107-2410-H-004 -079 -SS2)

  42. Yeh, Y.* Chen, Y. F., Chang, C. Y., & Ting, Y. S. (2020, February). Implementing mindful learning intervention to enhance creativity. Paper presented at the Southeast Asian Conference Education, February 7th-9th, Singapore EXPO & MAX Atria, Singapore. (MOST 107-2511-H-004 -002 -MY2)

  43. Yeh, Y.*, Sai, N. P., & Chuang, C. H. (2020, February). The influence of self-determination on mastery experience in a creativity game-based learning. Paper presented at the Southeast Asian Conference Education, February 7th-9th, Singapore EXPO & MAX Atria, Singapore. (MOST 104-2511-S-004 -002 –MY3)

  44. Yeh, Y.*, Chen, S. Y., Rega, E. M., Lin, C. S., Lin, Y. J., & Hsieh, Nichu. (2019, July). Exploring mediators of mindful learning experience and mastery experience during creativity game-based learning. Paper presented at International Conference on Science Technology and Management, July 18th-19th, 2019, Holiday Inn Los Angeles - LAX Airport, Los Angeles, USA.

  45. Yeh, Y.*, Hsu, W. C., Rega, E. (March, 2018). The dynamic connectivity of neural networks in value-based creativity. Paper presented at The Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences, March 22 to March 24, 2018, The Art Center Kobe, Kobe, Japan.

  46. Yeh, Y.*, Chang, H. L., Lin, C. S., & Chen, S. Y. (March, 2018). The mediation effect of mindful learning during creativity game-based learning. Paper presented at The Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences, March 22 to March 24, 2018, The Art Center Kobe, Kobe, Japan.

  47. Wu, H., Yeh, Y.*, Huang, F. (July, 2017). The interaction effects of achievement goals and emotions on insight-problem solving. ECP 2017 The European Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences, July 4 to July 5, Jurys Inn Brighton Waterfront, Brighton & Hove, United Kingdom.

  48. Yeh, Y.*, Lin, C. S., Chang, H. L., Lin, T. H. (June, 2017). Employing game-based learning to improve pupils' creativity. ECE 2017 The European Conference on Education, June 30 to July 2, Jurys Inn Brighton Waterfront, Brighton & Hove, United Kingdom.

  49. Yeh, Y.*, Lin, C. S., Chou, E. T., & Chang, H. L. (November, 2016). A model of mastery experience in creativity game-based learning among pupils. World Conference on E-Learning, November 14 to 16, Washington DC, US.

  50. Yeh, Y.*, Hsu, W. C., Li, P. H., Lin, C. W., & Chan, Y. C. (2016). Examining the changes of underlying neural substrates of creative thinking through a time window. Paper presented at the International Journal of Arts & Sciences’ (IJAS) International Conference for Social Sciences and Humanities, January 12 to 15, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

  51. Yeh, Y.*, Li, P. H., Lin, C. W., & Hsu, W. C. (2015, October). A neuroaesthetic approach for exploring gender differences in aesthetic judgments. 發表於「第54屆台灣心理學會年會暨學習、教學、與評量國際研討會」之論文,10月17日-18日,台灣師範大學,台北。

  52. Yeh, Y.*, Hsu, W. C., Lin, C. W., & Li, P. H. (2015, October). The neural substrates underlying the influences of life experience on aesthetic judgments. 發表於「第54屆台灣心理學會年會暨學習、教學、與評量國際研討會」之論文,10月17日-18日,台灣師範大學,台北。

  53. Huang, L. Y.*, Yeh, Y. (2015, October). Mediated enactive experience versus perceived mastery experience: An enhancing mechanism versus a mediator of character attachment and internal political efficacy in serious games. 發表於「第54屆台灣心理學會年會暨學習、教學、與評量國際研討會」之論文,10月17日-18日,台灣師範大學,台北。

  54. Yeh, Y.*, Lin, C. W., Hsu, W. C., Kuo, W. J., Chan, Y. C. (2015, May). The neural substrates of aesthetic judgment and aesthetic emotion during the appreciation of everyday designed products. Paper presented at the International Journal of Arts & Sciences’ (IJAS) International Conference for Social Sciences and Humanities, May 26 to 30, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

  55. 葉玉珠*、朱玲慧、黃齡儀、李若瑜(2014,10月)。大學生數位學習熱情、自我調節學習與知識管理之路徑模式。發表於「台灣心理學會第五十三屆年會」之論文,11月8日-9日,台灣大學,台北。

  56. 葉玉珠*、林忠蔚、賴桂珍、許維欽(2014,11月)。壓力、刺激形態及任務難度對工作記憶的影響。發表於「台灣心理學會第五十三屆年會」之論文, 11月8日-9日,台灣大學,台北。

  57. 葉玉珠*、許維欽、林忠蔚、賴思齊、彭月茵(2014,11月)。美感生活體驗對設計產品美感判斷與美感情緒之效果。發表於「台灣心理學會第五十三屆年會」之論文,11月8日-9日,台灣大學,台北。

  58. 葉玉珠*、黎佩欣、林忠蔚、許維欽、賴思齊(2014,11月)。促發效果與五大人格對創造性頓悟問題解決之效果。發表於「台灣心理學會第五十三屆年會」之論文,11月8日-9日,台灣大學,台北。

  59. Yeh, Y., Lin, C. F., Lin, C. W., Hsu, W. C., Lai, S. C., Hung, Y. H. (2014, June). The influence of emotions on game-based creativity. Paper presented at the Fifth Asian Conference on the Social Sciences, June 12-15, Osaka, Japen.

  60. 彭月茵*、葉玉珠、傅瓊儀(2013,10月)。研究生學業拖延、希望信念、動機信念與學業情緒之路徑分析。發表於「台灣心理學會第五十二屆年會」之論文,政治大學,台北。

  61. 謝皓薇*、葉玉珠(2013,10月)。幼兒英語學習熱情之路徑模式。發表於「台灣心理學會第五十二屆年會」之論文,政治大學,台北。

  62. 葉玉珠*、林俊甫、彭月茵、賴思齊、李若瑜、林忠蔚、許維欽(2013,10月)。設計產品美感體驗量表之發展暨人口變項差異之分析。發表於「台灣心理學會第五十二屆年會」之論文,政治大學,台北。

  63. 葉玉珠*、賴桂真、賴思齊、林俊甫、許維欽、林忠蔚(2013,10月)。實驗操弄類型對壓力賀爾蒙及工作記憶之效果。發表於「台灣心理學會第五十二屆年會」之論文,政治大學,台北。

  64. Yeh, Y., Tsai, J. L., Hsu, W. C., Lin, C. F., Lin, C. W. (June, 2013). How working memory influences insight problem solving: An eye movement analysis. Paper presented at the International Journal of Arts & Sciences Conference, June 23-26, Munich, Germany.

  65. Yeh, Y., Lai, G. J., Lin, C. F., Lin, C. W., Wu, J., Hsu, W. C. (February, 2013). Subjective negative emotion versus stress hormone: Are they consistent in predicting working memory and creativity? Paper presented at the Learning & the Brain Conference, February 14-16, 2013, San Francisco, CA., USA.

  66. Lin*, C. F., Yeh, Y., Hung, Y. H., & Chang, R. I. (December, 2012). A study of applying data mining techniques to creativity learning system. Paper presented at the Third International Conference on Information, Communication and Education Application (ICEA 2012), December 30-31, 2012, Singapore.

  67. Lin*, C. F., Yeh, Y., Hung, Y. H., & Chang, R. I. (December, 2012). A study of applying data mining techniques to creativity learning system. ICEA2012 Proceedings (ISBN: 978-1-61275-047-7)

  68. Lin*, C. F., Hung, Y. H., Lin, C. W., Yeh, Y., & Chang, R. I. (December, 2012). Application of Data Mining in the chain store beverage marketing. Paper presented at the Third International Conference on Information, Communication and Education Application (ICEA 2012), December 30-31, 2012, Singapore.

  69. Lin*, C. F., Hung, Y. H., Lin, C. W., Yeh, Y., & Chang, R. I. (December, 2012). Application of Data Mining in the chain store beverage marketing. ICEA2012 Proceedings (ISBN: 978-1-61275-047-7)

  70. 葉玉珠*、賴桂珍、林俊甫、林忠蔚、陽函軒、葉怡伶(2012,12月)。壓力賀爾蒙、工作記憶與創造力之關係。發表於「國立政治大學頂大研討會」之論文,政治大學,台北。

  71. 葉玉珠*、林俊甫、葉怡伶、林忠蔚(2012,10月)。三維情緒量表之發展。發表於「台灣心理學會第五十一屆年會」之論文,亞洲大學,台中。

  72. Lin, C. F.*, Yeh, Y. C., Hung, Y. H., & Chang, R. I. (2012, August). Developing an Intelligent Agent for Managing Web 2.0 Services. In proceedings of the International Conference on Future Computer Supported Education (FCSE 2012), 2012 (Seoul, South Korea, August).

  73. Lin, C. F.*, Yeh, Y. C., Hung, Y. H., & Chang, R. I. (2012). Developing an Intelligent Agent for Managing Web 2.0 Services. IERI Procedia, 2, 738-741.

  74. Yeh, Y. C.*, Lin, C. F., Yeh, Y. L., & Yang, H. H. (2012). The Relationship of positive personal traits in blended learning: meaning-making, self-regulation, and knowledge management. Future Information Technology, Application, and Service: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2012, 179, 201-203, DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-5064-7_29

  75. 詹雨臻*、陳學志、葉玉珠(2011,10月)。笑話都是正向的嗎?負向情緒類型的笑話之內容分析暨情緒轉變之評定。發表於「台灣心理學會第五十屆年會」之論文,亞洲大學,台中。

  76. 彭月茵*、葉玉珠、傅瓊儀(2011,10月)。研究生學術熱情與學術動機之中介效果分析:師徒功能所扮演之角色。發表於「台灣心理學會第五十屆年會」之論文,亞洲大學,台中。

  77. 葉玉珠*、葉怡伶、彭月茵、林俊甫(2011,10月)。數位學習熱情量表之發展。發表於「中國測驗學會2011年會暨心理與教育測驗學術研討會」之論文,臺灣師範大學,台北。

  78. 葉玉珠*、葉怡伶、孫華君(2011,10月)。數位學習意義建構量表之發展。發表於「中國測驗學會2011年會暨心理與教育測驗學術研討會」之論文,臺灣師範大學,台北。

  79. 葉玉珠*、葉怡伶、鄭迪嶸(2011,10月)。數位學習知識管理量表之發展。發表於「台灣心理學會第五十屆年會」之論文,亞洲大學,台中。(NSC 98-2511-S-004 -001 -MY2)

  80. Lin, C. F*, Yeh, Y. C., & Hung, Y. H. (2011, October). A new management approach with rule-based expert system in Wiki platforms. In Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education, 2011, 1418-1422. Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

  81. Yeh, Y. C.*., Peng, Y. Y., & Lin, C. F. (2011, Oct.). Employing a blended km model to improve university student’ critical thinking. In Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education, 2011, 2132-2136.

  82. Yeh, Y.*, Chen, Y., Yeh, L., Sun, H. (2011, July). Employing a blended knowledge management model to improve university students’ creativity. Paper presented in Annual International Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2011, Venue: Hotel Fort Canning, Singapore.

  83. Yeh, Y.*, Huang, L., Chen, Y., Yeh, L., Yeh, B. Cheng, D. (2010, November). Knowledge management and improvements of professional knowledge in creativity instruction. In P. Kommers, T. Issa and P. Isaias (Eds.), Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference: Internet Technology & Society 2010, 297-300. IADIS.

  84. 彭月茵*、葉玉珠(2010,10月)。研究生情緒調節路徑模式之初探。發表於台灣心理學年會研討會,中正大學,嘉義。

  85. Yeh, Y.* (2010, May). A four-stage model of online community development. In Z. Abas et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of Global Learn Asia Pacific 2010 (pp. 2026-2031). AACE.

  86. 李若瑜*、葉玉珠(2009,10月)。「大學生希望感量表」之建構。發表於中國測驗學會年會暨心理與教育測驗學術研討會,國立台灣大學,台北。

  87. 李若瑜*、葉玉珠(2009,10月)。「大學生情緒創造力量表」之修訂暨情緒創造力之性別、得獎經驗與所屬學院之差異分析。發表於中國測驗學會年會暨心理與教育測驗學術研討會,國立台灣大學,台北。

  88. 彭月茵*、葉玉珠(2009,10月)。「研究生希望信念量表」之發展暨希望信念之性別、學位與學院之差異分析。發表於中國測驗學會年會暨心理與教育測驗學術研討會,國立台灣大學,台北。

  89. 葉玉環、葉玉珠*、王珮玲(2009,9月)。創作性戲劇教學對幼兒自我概念及創造力之效果。發表於台灣心理學會第四十八屆年會之論文,國立台灣大學,台北。

  90. 葉玉珠*、詹雨臻、李若瑜、陳玉樺、陳柏霖(2009,9月)。影響國中生科展創造力表現之因素。發表於台灣心理學會第四十八屆年會之論文,國立台灣大學,台北。

  91. 葉玉珠*、詹雨臻、李若瑜(2009,9月)。復原力、適應與科學創造力之潛在因果模式。發表於台灣心理學會第四十八屆年會之論文,國立台灣大學,台北。

  92. 王昕馨*、葉玉珠(2008,10月)。閱讀環境、玩興、父母創意教養與國小中、高年級學童科技創造力之關係。發表於「2008創造力教育國際學術研討會--培育終身創造力」之論文,國立政治大學,台北。

  93. 曾千芝、詹雨臻*、陳學志、葉玉珠(2008,10月)。以眼動儀探討知覺注意廣度與創造力之關係。發表於台灣心理學會第四十七屆年會之論文,國立台灣師範大學,台北。

  94. 葉玉珠*、詹雨臻、彭月茵、李若瑜(2008,10月)。「青少年復原力量表」之發展。發表於2008心理與教育測驗學術研討會之論文,國立台灣師範大學,台北

  95. Yeh, Y.*, Chan, Y., Chen, S., & Lee, J. (2008, June-July). Analysis of online behaviors and online roles? Paper presented at the ED-MEDIA 2008--World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, Vienna, Austria.

  96. Yeh, Y.*, Peng, Y., Chung, S., & Chan, Y. (2008, June-July). When collaborative PBL meets blended learning: Can it improve critical-thinking? Paper presented at the ED-MEDIA 2008--World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, Vienna, Austria.

  97. 彭月茵*、葉玉珠(2007,10月)。研究生學術動機歷程模式之建構。發表於台灣心理學會第四十六屆年會之論文,成功大學,台南。

  98. 葉玉珠*、林志哲、 蔡維欣、黃愷銘、 彭月茵(2006,10月)。網路學習社群的形成歷程、角色與類型。發表於台灣心理學會第四十五屆年會之論文,東吳大學,台北。

  99. 黃惠君*、 葉玉珠(2006,10月)。國中教師人口變項、玩興、教學動機、快樂感受與創意教學之關係。發表於台灣心理學會第四十五屆年會之論文,東吳大學,台北。

  100. 葉玉珠*、彭月茵、林志哲、蔡維欣、黃愷銘(2006,10月)。「情境科技創造力測驗」之發展。發表於台灣心理學會第四十五屆年會之論文,東吳大學,台北。

  101. Yeh, Y.*, Lin, L., Huang, K., Lin, C. & Peng, Y. (2006). The effects of integrating E-learning into the direct-instruction model. In T. Reeves & S. Yamashita (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2006 (pp. 1539-1543). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

  102. 葉玉珠*、葉玉環、彭月茵(2006,1月)。泥娃娃秘密基地的開發:以「創作性戲劇」提升人際智能與情緒調節能力。發表於94年度創造力教育暨產業創新豐年祭之論文,國立政治大學,台北。

  103. 葉玉珠*、彭月茵、葉玉環、劉佳閔(2005,11月)。「幼兒多元智慧量表」之發展。發表於中國測驗學會年會之論文,國立政治大學,台北。

  104. 葉玉珠*、李梅齡、林志哲、葉玉環(2005,11月)。「幼兒創造力測驗」之發展。發表於中國測驗學會年會之論文,國立政治大學,台北。

  105. 蔡雅如*、林偉文、吳靜吉、葉玉珠(2005,10月)。大學生的樂觀、調節焦點、情緒調節與逆境感受、逆境因應以及逆境意義建構之關係。發表於台灣心理學會第四十四屆年會之論文,中原大學,中壢。

  106. 曾瓊慧*、林偉文、吳靜吉、葉玉珠(2005,10月)。大學生性別、就學地區、幽默感、情緒調節與演說焦慮之感受、因應與影響之關係。發表於台灣心理學會第四十四屆年會之論文,中原大學,中壢。

  107. 劉佳閔*、葉玉珠(2005,10月)。幼兒依附關係、語文智能、人際智能與心智理論能力之關係。發表於台灣心理學會第四十四屆年會之論文,中原大學,中壢。

  108. 黃琬芯*、葉玉珠(2005,10月)。國中教師之建設性思考、人際智慧與其需求困擾及快樂之關係。發表於台灣心理學會第四十四屆年會之論文,中原大學,中壢。

  109. 葉玉珠*、林志哲、黃愷銘、林麗娟(2005,10月)。網路學習融入「批判思考教學」課程的效果之探討。發表於台灣心理學會第四十四屆年會之論文,中原大學,中壢。

  110. 葉玉珠*、彭月茵、劉佳閔、李梅齡、葉玉環(2005,10月)。創作性戲劇教學與幼兒創造力及多元智慧之關係。發表於台灣心理學會第四十四屆年會之論文,中原大學,中壢。

  111. Yeh, Y. C.*, & Peng, Y. Y. (2005, August). Cognitive processes and influential factors of pupils’ technological creation. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of American Psychological Association, Washington, DC, USA.

  112. Li, M. L., & Yeh, Y. C.* (2005, August). Age, creative drama instruction, emotional regulation, temperament, and preschoolers’ creativity. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of American Psychological Association, Washington, DC, USA.

  113. 葉玉珠*、葉玉環(2005,1月)。小毛蟲的天空:「創作性戲劇教學對啟發幼兒創造力之行動研究」。發表於「創造力發展計畫成果發表會」之論文。台北:福華文教會館。

  114. 孫育智*、葉玉珠(2004,9月)。青少年的依附品質、情緒智力與適應之關係。發表於台灣心理學會第四十三屆年會之論文,政治大學,台北。

  115. 李梅齡*、葉玉珠(2004,9月)。年齡、情緒調節、創作性戲劇教學與幼兒創造力之關係。發表於台灣心理學會第四十三屆年會之論文,政治大學,台北。

  116. 鄭芳怡*、葉玉珠(2004,9月)。兒童解釋形態、創意生活經驗及其科技創造力表現之關係。發表於台灣心理學會第四十三屆年會之論文,政治大學,台北。

  117. 詹雨臻*、葉玉珠(2004,9月)。國小高年級學童多元智能、行動控制、自我調節、人口變項與生活問題解決能力之關係。發表於台灣心理學會第四十三屆年會之論文,政治大學,台北。

  118. 葉玉珠*、黃愷銘、林志哲、劉佳閔、彭月茵、鄭芳怡(2004,9月)。國小學童科技創造的認知歷程分析。發表於台灣心理學會第四十三屆年會之論文,政治大學,台北。

  119. Yeh, Y. C.* (2004, July). The dynamic influences of microsystem and mesosystem on pupils’ creativity. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of American Psychological Association, Honolulu, Hawaii.

  120. Huang, K. & Yeh, Y. C.* (2004). The effects of infusing E-learning into the instruction of minority language in Taiwan. In L. Cantoni & C. McLoughlin (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2004 (pp. 5445-5448). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

  121. Yeh, Y. C.* (2004). What personal traits would matter to the improvement of personal teaching efficacy in a computer-simulation training? In L. Cantoni & C. McLoughlin (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2004 (pp. 3456-3459). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

  122. 葉玉珠*(2004,2月)。年級、地區與國小學童創造力發展的動態關係。發表於2004年第二屆「創新與創造力」研討會,政治大學,台北。

  123. 李雅怡*、葉玉珠(2003,10月)。年級、城鄉別、出生序、建設性思考、情緒能力與國小高年級學童科技創造力之關係。發表於中國心理學會第四十二屆年會之論文,輔仁大學,台北。

  124. 蔡擇文*、葉玉珠(2003,10月)。國小五年級自然科融入STS教學對批判思考和科技創造力之影響。發表於中國心理學會第四十二屆年會之論文,輔仁大學,台北。

  125. 葉玉珠*(2003,10月)。「科技創造力測驗」的編制與國小學童的科技創造力發展分析。發表於中國心理學會第四十二屆年會之論文,輔仁大學,台北。

  126. Yeh, Y. C.* (2003, August). The interactive influences of ecological systems on technological creativity. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of American Psychological Association, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

  127. Yeh, Y. C.* (2003). Intrapersonal intelligence, critical-thinking ability, and preservice teachers’ behavioral change in a computer simulation. In C. Crawford et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference 2003 (pp. 2281-2284). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

  128. 張珮甄*、葉玉珠(2003,3月)。國小五年級學童出生序、家庭結構、情緒、創意個人特質與其科技創造力之關係。發表於「創造力實踐歷程」研討會,國立政治大學,台北。

  129. 陳俐妤*、葉玉珠(2003,3月)。多元智能融入自然領域教學對國小四年級學童應用多元智能於自然科學習及其科技創造力之影響。發表於「創造力實踐歷程」研討會,國立政治大學,台北。

  130. Yeh, Y. C.* (2002). Preservice teachers thinking styles, dispositions, and changes in their teacher behaviors. In Proceedings of International Conference on Computers in Education (pp. 610-611). Piscataway, NJ: The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering.

  131. 吳怡瑄*、葉玉珠(2002,10月)。主題統整教學及創意教室氣氛與國小學童科技創造之關係。發表於第四屆「中等教師之教學與學習」學術研討會,交通大學,新竹。

  132. 葉玉珠*、吳怡瑄、張珮甄、陳俐妤、陳炳煌(2002,9月)。個人特質、學校環境、主題統整教學與國小高年級學童科技創造力之關係。發表於中國心理學會第四十一屆年會之論文,國立成功大學,台南。

  133. 葉玉珠*(2002,6月)。影響批判思考發展的因素、有效批判教學的基礎及教師行為。發表於「批判思考與教師專業發展研討會」,東海大學,台中。(受邀演講)

  134. Yeh, Y. C.*, & Strang, H. (2002). Nurturing reflective teaching in a computer simulation program: An investigation of intervention effects. In C. Crawford et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference 2002 (pp. 2163-2165). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

  135. 葉玉珠*(2002,3月)。批判思考的階段、有效教師行為與測驗編製。發表於「批判思考教學研討會」,美和技術學院,屏東。

  136. Yeh, Y. C.*, Chen, Y. M., & Chung, C. C. (2001). Improving professional knowledge of teaching critical-thinking via gender equality issues. In Proceedings of International Conference on Computers in Education (pp.1631-1632). Piscataway, NJ: The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering.

  137. 韓婉君*、葉玉珠(2001,9月)。教師開放教育實施程度與國小高年級學童批判思考、創造思考能力之關係。發表於中國心理學會第四十屆年會之論文,國立中正大學,嘉義。

  138. 陳月梅*、葉玉珠(2001,9月)。電腦模擬應用於批判思考教學策略之師資培訓-以兩性平等議題為例。發表於中國心理學會第四十屆年會之論文,國立中正大學,嘉義。

  139. 葉玉珠*(2001,5月)。創造思考的影響因素與創意的啟發。發表於「開啟教學的金鑰—創造思考教學」研討會之論文,台北護理學院,台北。

  140. 鄭英耀*、王文中、葉玉珠(2000,11月)。促進創造力發展的因素—以科展為例。發表於「科學創意歷程」研討會,國立中山大學,高雄。

  141. 謝佳蓁*、葉玉珠(2000,9月)。國小高年級學生人口變項、多元智能與批判思考能力之關係。發表於中國心理學會第三十九屆年會之論文,國立台灣大學,台北。

  142. 葉碧玲*、葉玉珠(2000,9月)。國中生人口變項、批判思考與情緒智力之關係。發表於中國心理學會第三十九屆年會之論文,國立台灣大學,台北。

  143. 葉玉珠*(2000,9月)。影響個人創意發展的相關因素。發表於「創意團隊」工作坊之論文,國立政治大學,台北。

  144. 葉玉珠*(2000,1月)。影響創意發展的個人特質、家庭及學校因素量表之發展。發表於技術創造力研討會之論文,國立政治大學,台北。

  145. 葉玉珠*(2000,1月)。創造思考的涵意與教學設計。發表於八十九學年度科學教育研討會之論文,輔英技術學院,高雄。

  146. 葉玉珠*(1999,12月)。創造力:學校/教師在科技創造力上所扮演的角色。發表於一九九九年資優教育研究國際學術研討會之引言論文(1999 Symposium of Research on Gifted and Talented Education),國立台灣師大,台北。

  147. 葉玉珠*(1999,1月)。個案訪談分析:影響電腦資訊產業人員創意發展之個人、家庭、學校及組織因素。發表技術創造力研討會之論文,國立政治大學,台北。

  148. 邱皓政*、葉玉珠(1998,11月)。技術創造力的定義。發表技術創造力研討會之論文,國立中山大學,高雄。

  149. 葉玉珠*(1998,11月)。邁向二十一世紀的師資培訓─電腦模擬的應用。發表於八十七學年度教育學術研討會—「邁向新世紀的教育與師資培育—蛻變、挑戰、展望」之論文,1073-1089,台北市立師範學院,台北。

  150. 葉玉珠*(1998,11)。批判思考教學。發表於國立中山大學第一屆教學研討會之論文,國立中山大學,高雄。(受邀演講)

  151. 鄭英耀*、王文中、葉玉珠(1998,9月)。創造思考的相關因素。發表技術創造力研討會之論文,國立政治大學電算中心,台北。

  152. 葉玉珠*(1998,6月)。批判思考的學習與教學。發表於國立彰化師範大學八十六學年度多元師資取向暨課程與教學研討會之論文,1-18,國立彰化師範大學,彰化。(受邀演講)

  153. 葉玉珠*、吳靜吉、鄭英耀(1998,5月)。科技資訊產業人員創意思考及其相關因素之研究。發表技術創造力研討會之論文,35-46,慧燈中學,宜蘭。

  154. Sullivan, A. K., Yeh, Y. C., & Strang, H. R.* (1997). Using a computer simulation to explore teacher lesson planning. In Proceedings of Information Technology and Teacher Education Annual: 1997 (pp. 998-1001). Norfolk, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.

  155. Yeh, Y. C.*, & Strang, H. R. (1997). The impact of a computer simulation on critical-thinking instruction. In Proceedings of Information Technology and Teacher Education Annual: 1997 (pp. 994-977). Norfolk, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.

  156. Strang, H. R.*, Sullivan, A. K., & Yeh, Y. C. (1996). Responding to student learning styles with a Visual Basic simulation. In Proceedings of Information Technology and Teacher Education Annual: 1996 (pp. 620-622). Norfolk, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.  

  157. Strang, H. R.*, & Yeh, Y. C. (1995). Assessing teacher ethnic and gender biases via a teaching simulation. In Proceedings of Information Technology and Teacher Education Annual: 1995 (pp. 546-549). Norfolk, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.

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